"view in browser" and "unsubscribe"
I'm using no CRM service, just my PC with Outlook 2021. How can I implement both "functions" mentioned in the title above?
It would be cool to have a generic code for "view in browser" which works with most of the recipent's email-programs (if available).
For the second topic I would like to have an automatic generated and sent email in the background to my own adress, where I can see the senders email-adress with a default text like "Subscribe".
btw... I'm not an IT expert ;-)
Hi Andres,
Thanks for sharing your question with the community. I'm happy to help!
It's important to note that Beefree is not an email-sending tool but a tool for designing emails and landing pages. Generally, handling unsubscribes and generating the "view in browser" link is something that would be done within your email-sending platform. However, if you're using an email client such as Outlook to send out email campaigns, it's possible to use the preview URL in Beefree as the "view in browser" link. You can find and copy the design preview URL from the Email Details page in Beefree.
How to handle unsubscribe requests when sending email campaigns from Outlook is outside the scope of our support, regrettably, but if anyone else in the community uses the same workflow as you, they can, of course, add their comments to this post as well.
I hope this information was helpful, but feel free to reach out if you have any further questions, of course!0
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