Mail is not reponsive


1 comment

  • Marianne Madsen
    Marianne Madsen

    Hi there, thanks for sharing this question with the Beefree Community. I'm sorry for any frustration this caused!

    If you're using Gmail to send a message that was designed in Beefree, it's important to keep in mind that Gmail will actually strip some of the syntax used to generate the source code for your message. Most noticeably, Gmail removes all mobile-responsive rules in the code, which causes your email to always display as the desktop version. Additionally, Gmail seems to have problems with alignment when you try to use the client to send a message that uses multi-column rows.

    As a result, we recommend working with simple, single-column designs when using Gmail to send messages.

    You can read more about Gmail's limitations in the following help center articles:

    If this is something you're concerned about, our recommendation - other than simplifying the layout - would be to use a professional email-sending platform to send your messages, as these types of services will not strip this sort of code from the HTML. If you're interested in this, I would recommend that you start by reviewing our list of currently available connectors to see if there are any that might suit your needs. Note that many of these ESPs operate on a subscription basis, but some of them also offer free accounts (e.g., Mailchimp) if that is a concern you have.  

    I'm really sorry for any inconvenience, but I hope this offers some clarification. 


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