Using the File Manager
This article applies to the Email and Pages builder in all plans.
The Beefree builder includes a built-in file manager. The file manager is the component that you will use to browse, search, and select the images and documents that you wish to use in your email or page.
With the file manager you can:
- Browse, search, and sort existing files
- Import new files
- Create folders
- Preview and insert images into your design
How it Looks: List and Grid View
The file manager will open over the builder, covering the entire working area. This allows you to browse your files without worrying about your screen size or resolution.
You will find a top section with actions and navigation helpers. Most of the space is used to list your files and the information you need to work with them: it's organized into:
Grid view
List view
How you Access It
There are several options you can select in the Beefree builder that cause the file manager to open. If you are inside the Beefree platform, but outside of the builder, you can also navigate to the Library tab and select Media. For more information on this option, check out our help center article, Media Library.
If you need to insert something from the file manager into a design created in Beefree, then you must access it from inside the builder. There are three ways you can access the file manager inside the builder:
1. When you click on the Browse button on an image placeholder, which is displayed when you drag and drop an image content block into a design.
2. When you click the Change image button in the image (or icon) properties panel:
c. When you click on Link file when working with images and buttons:
How to Upload Files
The quickest way to upload a file into the file manager is to drag it from your computer to the file manager window, dropping it into the upload area. And it supports multi-file upload too. Cool, huh?
There are other ways to do so. When you use the Beefree builder full screen, and can't drag from your desktop, the Upload or Import button will do the trick.
How to import files from other applications
The Import feature allows you to import content via URL or services like Google Drive, OneDrive, and Box. You can also import from Facebook and Google Photos.
How to Browse or Search Files
To locate your desired image or document, browse your folders and order their content by name, date, size or type by clicking on the sort labels on top of the list.
An arrow icon next to these labels means that this is the current filter, and its orientation will tell you the order, ascending or descending.
Too many files in the selected folder? Click on the lens icon to run a search. The results will be filtered on the fly. Mind that this search is performed only in the current folder, and not in your entire repository.
How to Use Files
When you move your cursor over a file or folder, that row will be highlighted and the available action icons will be shown on the right side:
- insert and preview for files
- delete for both files and folders
If an action is momentarily not available, you will be notified by the tooltip text of the icon. For example, when you try to delete a folder that contains files because only empty folders can be deleted.
If you want to delete many files or folders, use the checkboxes to select them, the delete button will be shown at the top, on the right side. Only elements that can be deleted will have a selectable check-box.
How to Move Files
You can move files one at a time within the File manager using the move icon. You can access the move icon on the file within the File manager. The move icon is a folder with an arrow pointing right inside it. Use this icon to move files.
To move a file, take the following steps:
- Enter your File manager
- Navigate to the file you would like to move
- Click the move icon
A popup will appear displaying a list of destinations for your file
- Select the file’s new destination from the list
- Click Move to confirm the action
The following GIF shows an example of how to move files to new destinations within the File manager. It also shows an example of how the file URL remains the same as it travels between destinations.
Consider the following regarding the new File manager functionality:
- When you upload new files to the File manager, the URL will have a new format compared to previously uploaded files
- Your existing file URLs will remain the same as before
- A single file has a maximum of 50 duplicate uploads
- When you move files within the File manager, the URL does not change
- In the event there is a name conflict, the File manager will add a suffix of _1, _2, _3, etc. to differentiate between the files
How to Organize Folders
You can create the folder structure you prefer to organize your files. To add new folders, use the Add folder icon.
For your folder names, you can use letters (upper and lower case), numbers, spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), or underscores (_).
To navigate to the parent folder, use the top breadcrumb. Clicking the home icon will take you to your root folder.
Current limitations
- The following file extensions cannot be uploaded to the file manager: .js, .cjs, .mjs, .php, .phtml, .php3, .php4, .php5, .php7, .phps, .php-s, .pht, .phar, .HTML, .zip, .rar, and archive file formats.
- The maximum allowed file size you can upload is 20MB.
- If you are uploading an image that is wider than 1920 pixels, the integrity of the image may be altered upon upload or import. The image will be resized to be no wider than 1920px. In other cases, the colors may change, and gifs may lose frames. Consider making sure that any images that you upload are no wider than 1920px.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Default behaviour of file manager is to sort based on type, can i configure it to sort based on date in descending order, i.e. last modified should come on top.
Hi Nitish, thanks for the feedback. We will change this default behavior as the most requested is to sort by date as you described.
There is one more issue with the file browser. In windows the file name supports the use of '&' , '%' and '+', but in bee editor it throws an error while uploading any file with these characters in file name.
Hi Nitish, it depends on the system that store the images. If you try it on, the file will upload correctly, while in the images with this characters will be rejected by the API that manages the storage.
What is the overall capacity for files per user?
Hi Meg, if you're using our file system storage from the BEE Plugin Startup plan the maximum storage is 100 GB for all users. There is no per user limit. Otherwise, if you've connected your file storage system, it's up to you how to manage it. Hope this helps!
How can I move files into newly created folders?
Hi David, you need to upload them again. Mind that changing the position of an image may break the path applied on your messages.
Hey Guille, thanks for the quick reply. The ability to move files into folders instead of re-uploading would be nice to have!
Hi David, thanks for the feedback. The ability to organize uploaded files is in our list of improvements for the file manager :)
hi, i have an issue with upload in the file manager. It's always "oops something went wrong" and i can't access to my library. How can i do ?
Hi Francois, can you clarify if it's in BeeFree, BEE Pro, or BEE Plugin? Are you having issues uploading a file and/or opening a folder? Please note that some folders are "read-only" and aren't editable.
Hi Sergio, this is the BeeFree version. I can't access the myfiles folder. There are about 15 or 20 images in this folder but since yesterday, it's always the same error while opening this folder
Any answer to my issue ? I got to suscribe for the free trial version of BeeFree Pro to skip this issue. But if i want to go back to the free version, i will be stuck.
Hi François, the free version is anonymous (no registration or login process) so we're unable to troubleshoot individual issues.
If you clear your browser's cache, the problem will probably be solved, but you will start as a new user with an empty images storage.
Hello, is it possible to disable the file manager for some specific user or by configuration in the call of the BeeFree ? Thanks
I am unable to see the image in my email.I uploaded the image in the editor_image folder.How to fix this issue
Hi Csravan, this depends on the exporting method that you're using. Please, check:
Hi there, are there any updates on the ability to move images into folders instead of re-uploading them?
Also, what is the behaviour/policy if an image, which is being used in a template, is deleted (from the file browser - not in the template itself)? The template's path to the image in the file manager surely breaks, but it seems that the image is still being rendered when sending emails. Do you keep copies of such deleted images and wipe them later? Or how is this case being handled?
Hi Karsten, unfortunately at the moment you should re-update them.
With regards to your second question, if you remove an image from the file browser and you send out the email, the image won't be shown. Images are hosted on aws, if you delete them, you can't restore them.
It'd be much more convenient if we can access the file manager in the drop down menu like many other email builders.
Do you all have plans to allow access to the file manager outside of the editor?
Can we rename the folders?
Hi Charlie & Emre, with regards to your questions:
1) It's not possible to access the file manager outside the editor.
2) Our file manager doesn't allow you to change the name of a folder.
I'll log your feedback to our product team. Thanks for posting your comments.
One question about Search Files functionality. I see that currently "... search is performed only in the current folder, and not in your entire repository." Do you plan to upgrade this and allow user to search for a file located in a nested folder?
Hi Pawel, thanks for your comment. With regard to your concern, unfortunately it's not possible to perform a global search within our file manager. We pushed your feedback to our Product Team. Looking forward to improving the file manager.
Hi Guillermo, for me delete and checkbox icon is disable.Please explain how to enable delete icon and checkbox for upload images.
Hi Amit, thanks for your comment. Can you please share with us a screenshot of your BEE Pro account? Please send it to, thanks.
When a folder is created, I cannot figure out how to then move my files into the folder
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