Exporting to Mailchimp



  • hugoinperson

    Will I be able to do the opposite? Import HTML email template to BEE plugin?

  • Massimo Arrigoni
    Massimo Arrigoni

    Unfortunately that is not possible. The good thing is... it's really easy and fast to use the BEE editor, so you should be able to recreate whatever HTML message in BEE rather quickly.

  • hien_tran

    Pushing a message to Mailchimp would be great in the plugin version

  • Lia Peele
    Lia Peele

    I am a novice at this so please forgive my ignorance. I am using Reachmail as an email service provider. Their editor isn't user friendly so I have created a test newsletter in Bee and want to import the HTML code into Reachmail. I downloaded the zip file with images but Reachmail only accept these file extensions: html, shtml, shtm. Is there any way to do this with Bee please?

  • Massimo Arrigoni
    Massimo Arrigoni

    Hi Lia, you can either upload the HTML that's included in the ZIP file, and then readd the images (if your application does not allow you to import a ZIP file) or you can move to BEE Pro, which allows you to download an HTML file and keep the images hosted with us. See: https://support.beefree.io/hc/en-us/articles/360004496012-Saving-testing-and-exporting-your-emails

  • Ryan Berkness
    Ryan Berkness

    Can you add more than one Mailchimp account to a Bee Pro account?

  • Massimo Arrigoni
    Massimo Arrigoni

    Hi Ryan, you can do so in the Agency plan as you can manage ESP connectors at the Brand level (e.g. one Client / Brand may be using one MailChimp account vs. another Client / Brand that is using another MailChimp account).

  • Rose

    I am uploading a zip file to MailChimp but the images aren't going through, how can this be corrected? Thank you

  • Massimo Arrigoni
    Massimo Arrigoni

    Hi Rose: is there a reason why you are not using the free MailChimp connector? It's super easy to use. See: how to use the MailChimp connector: https://emaildesign.beefree.io/2017/12/tutorial-bee-mailchimp-connector/

  • Aris Gatoudis (FE Developer
    Aris Gatoudis (FE Developer

    Hi, great feature.

    I understand that due to the responsive you can't edit the images but it would be useful if the beefree editor had an option to sections, texts, and image elements to add custom html attributes. In that way we could add our own editable elements or repeatable content area by our own risk. (By adding
    mc:edit or mc:repeatable macros)

  • Willow Elliott
    Willow Elliott

    Hi Aris! Thanks so much for your feedback. Please know that I'm forwarding this to our Product team for review. We're happy to see what we can do moving forward. 

  • Meli Nakase
    Meli Nakase

    How do I post it as a page??

  • Melania

    Hi Meli. After you save a page, you can publish it and share it with social media like LinkedIn or Facebook. Or you can download the HTML and put it on your website. You can find all the information also in this Help Center article. Hope this can help. 

  • Mark Joncheff
    Mark Joncheff

    I have been using the Bee Pro builder to mailchimp connector but I have had a lot of bugs with padding of buttons and text. It seems its random because if I resend the same template and the issues are gone. I have been making the code fixes in Mailchimp editor in <> but then another section of the template will show a new bug. 

    Is there a set padding structure that needs to be applied for Mail chimp? how can I remove these random bugs? It is for a client that I have setup that has no html skill set and hates using the mail chimp builder. I have set them up on Beepro but they're not going to be able to deal with bugs all the time.

  • Roisin  Grieco
    Roisin Grieco

    Hello Mark, I'm sorry for the issues you have encountered. I will post a ticket on your behalf, as we need more details to troubleshoot the case. You can keep track of the ticket thru your email where you will receive our answers.


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