Editing Image Properties



  • Kindra Mowbray
    Kindra Mowbray

    Hi there- when I upload a file from my computer into the file manager. Then use that file in my message, it will display as normal when editing. However, when I save and get the HTML doc, the image doesn't render. Any idea what might be going on?

  • Sergio M.
    Sergio M.


    Hi Kindra, notice that when you download the message it's a zip file that contains the HTML file and an image folder. You need to import or link those images to the HTML file depending on whether you've opened the HTML file in a program like Dreamweaver or imported the HTML file into your emailing software. We explain this in more detail on https://support.beefree.io/hc/en-us/articles/360004496232-How-to-use-external-images-in-your-message. Hope this clarifies things!


  • Saranya

    Hi, Is it possible to add custom functions along with existing toolbar like Copy, Copy from Word etc. ?

  • Massimo Arrigoni
    Massimo Arrigoni

    Hi Saranya, unfortunately this is not possible at this time.

  • Saranya

    Hi Massimo,

    Thanks for your reply. We are just plan to get Bee free silver plan. But we need some more functionalities like conditional block.
    The conditional block means that text in the email content will display based on condition such as if the email id starts with 'aa', then display some content else don't display.
    E.g.: [[IF ([!Email!] IS 'aa')]]everywhere [[ELSE]] [[END IF]].

    1. If we are giving this as a change request to you after get the paid plan, is it possible for you to do it?

    2. If yes, then ETA please???

    3. And also we have some set of feature need to implement to the existing behaviour.
    Is it possible for a paid user to add any custom function to Merge Tags, etc..

    4. Is each change request is payable?

    5. Also, is it possible to create custom template in HTML??

  • Massimo Arrigoni
    Massimo Arrigoni

    Hi Saranya, please contact us to discuss. Conditional statements is a feature that we are working on "as we speak", so you are catching us at a good time. With regard to everything else, let's discuss. https://beefree.io/contact-us/

  • Frankie de Leon
    Frankie de Leon

    Hi there, are you able to resize image containers less than the default 120px?

  • Melania

    Hi there, thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, it is not possible to resize the image containers under 120 pixels. You can customize more your message by inserting an HTML block -using your own code may affect how the message is rendered. Make sure to use correct and responsive HTML.

  • Ashanti DePass
    Ashanti DePass

    Is there a way we can either add html code before our export or within the image setting that will add right click protection. It's extremely necessary for what I'm using the templates for. 

  • Melania

    Hello Ashanti. We are sorry but it's not possible to add HTML code before exporting the message with those options.

  • Ville

    Hello. The animation on this page shows a tooltip containing image width in pixels when adjusting image width manually. That does not seem to appear in email editor. Is that feature gone or is it possible to enable it somehow? Are there other ways to display dimensions of image as in what size are they going to appear in email?

  • Roisin  Grieco
    Roisin Grieco

    Hello Ville, and thank you for your comment.

    This is in fact incorrect behaviour and it seems like a regression.

    Our developers are working on a fix to make sure the tooltip shows.


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